No questions left

I sit and ponder why life would be so cruel,
So cold and heartless...
The constant melodrama of a timeless moment.
The emotional rides that burn the heart and scar the soul.
a stable remedy for a life lost is a life found.
Find the essence that you lost along the way.
A memory of a signifacant past and a silent hatred
Causing one's image of forever to change....
No more white picket fence and elevated porch
No more Kitchen in blue or garden the blooms in the spring
No more patches of maroon on the bathroom tile
No more dreams that held it all together
No two children running amidst the house
Drawn from within the tears of a lesser being
one that knows no shame in flaws
one that cares to hold all that is dear close
within me is this lesser being
within me is half of whom I was
half of who I can be
torn from within my being